Jim Butler‘s article, "Latest insights from JMBM’s Hotel Attorneys and PKF Consulting on what lies ahead for the hotel industry . . ." appeared in Hotel Tourism and Leisure.
Jim Butler‘s article, “Hotel Attorneys with the latest “updates from the field,” appeared in Hospitality Net.
Jim Butler‘s article, “Hotel Lawyers: How do we pay for this? And what happens next?” appeared in Hospitality Net and ehotelier.com.
Jim Butler‘s article, “Congress approves landmark Stimulus Plan. What is the bailout plan? Hotel Lawyers insights on what Geithner has in mind”, appeared in ehotelier.com.
Marty Orlick’s article "Changes to ADA Guidelines ‘On Hold’ Pending a Regulatory Review by the Obama Administration" was published on February 20, 2009.
Jim Butler’s article entitled, "Hotel lawyers’ on "State Of The Hotel Industry" — Sound Bites from hotel industry leaders at the ALIS conference", appeared in Hospitality Net.
Jim Butler’s article entitled, “Hotel Mixed-Use” is the key to reinventing retail says ULI Retail Panel”, appeared in ehotelier.com.
Jim Butler’s article entitled, “Latest insights from JMBM’s Hotel Attorneys and PKF Consulting on what lies ahead for the hotel industry . . .” appeared in ehotelier.com.
Jim Butler’s article entitled, "Hotel Lawyers: How bad is it? And how bad will it get?" appeared in Hotel Resource.
Hotel lawyer in Beverly Hills at the ULI "Reinventing Retail and Mixed-Use" program, the Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills, California, February 4-5, 2009. The Urban Land Institute’s big retail conference is underway and one of the lead off panels had some great information about why hotels are being added to retail mixed-use projects. "Hotel Mixed-Use" is […]