Bob Braun’s article, “The Target and Neiman Marcus breaches: What hoteliers need to know,” was published by Jim Butler’s Hotel Law Blog, and was picked up by Hotel Online, Hospitality Net, and Hotel News Resource.
On August 27, 2012, the California Department of Corporations adopted a new Rule 206.204.9, which was intended to encourage capital investment in private investment funds by providing an exemption from investment adviser registration requirements for the managers of these funds. However, the new Rule imposes so many new requirements that it may be a shock […]
Bob Braun, Michael Gold and Dan Sedor authored an article in Aspatore’s Inside the Minds series, “Privacy and Data Security Issues in the U.S., E.U. and Beyond,” published in 2013.
Jim Butler’s blog article, “JMBM’s Hotel Lawyers Help Chinese Real Estate Developer Buy 802-room Sheraton Gateway LAX for $96M,” was picked up by Hotel Online.
Guy Maisnik’s article titled, “Buying or Building a Golf Course – Due Diligence is Key,” was published by Jim Butler’s Hotel Law Blog, and was picked up by Hotel Online, Hospitality Net and