Michael Gold authored an article on e-discovery ethical issues for the course handbook at the Practising Law Institute’s Electronic Discovery and Retention Guidance for Corporate Counsel program in Chicago.
Condo Hotels: Prelude to a Hotel-Enhanced Mixed-Use Revolution Ask the Hotel Lawyer™ is a regular column that provides practical insight into timely legal hospitality issues. In his last column, Jim Butler addressed the complexities of allocating costs among condo hotel stakeholders. In this column, he delivers a new vital message for the hospitality and investment […]
Planning for Brand Transition Any casual observer of transactions in the hospitality industry will notice that hotels regularly change their flags. In a mixed-use environment, the owner of a major shopping mall (or an office-residential-hotel project) may decide to upgrade or reposition the mixed-use development. A hotel may be a vital part of this effort, […]
Scott Harshman authored the article, "Private Annuities: An Income Tax Deferral Technique," published in the Orange County Business Journal.
Michael Gold co-authored an article in Chief Executive on "Data Duty."
Stan Gibson authored an article in Computer and Internet Lawyer on "The Urgent Need for E-Data Management at the Enterprise Level."
Michael Gold co-authored an article in Privacy & Data Security Law Journal on "Implementing Security Requirements in Third-Party Agreements."
When properties are closed for renovations or conversions, employers must take special care in dealing with workforce issues, particularly if the property’s workforce is unionized. The following discussion points may help hotel owners and their labor counsel to set the optimum strategy for their property. What kind of property will the hotel become upon its […]
Ask the Hotel LawyerTM is a regular column that provides practical insight into timely legal issues. In the last column, Jim Butler addressed the complex issue of "condo hotel splits." In this column, he will share lessons learned at the Condo Hotel Boot Camp session of The Hotel Developers Conference(tm) sponsored by JMBM’s Global Hospitality […]