Building windows


Intellectual Property JMBM IP Update: Free Trade Agreement Being Implemented between U.S. and Central America/Dominican Republic

In August 2005, President Bush signed the Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA) into law. The other member countries, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua, have approved the DR-CAFTA, and the treaty is awaiting approval by the parliament of Costa Rica. The DRCAFTA covers many issues including agriculture, investment, trade in services, the environment […]

Intellectual Property JMBM IP Update: Initial Interest Confusion in Online Metatags

U.S. District Court in Ohio recently found that use of a competitor’s mark as a metatag on a Web site creates “initial interest confusion,” thereby subjecting the defendant to liability for the metatag use. In Tdata v. Aircraft Technical Publishers, use of ATP’s trademark in metatag data in software developed by Tdata that draws potential […]