Marty Orlick and Jim Butler’s article “ADA Defense Lawyer: Philadelphia Court Hits Uber and Lyft for ADA Violations” was republished in Hotel Online.
This article was first published by the California Bankers Association. In January, 2016, Carlson Lynch Sweet & Kilpela (“CLSK”) sent hundreds of near-identical form letters to national retailers, hotels, restaurants, and other businesses, claiming that their internet-based services (retail websites) discriminate against persons who are visually disabled under the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA). The letters contend […]
Jim Butler and Marty Orlick’s blog article from Hotel Law Blog, “Court Hits Uber and Lyft for ADA Violations” was republished on Hotel News Resource.
Jim Butler and Marty Orlick’s blog article from Hotel Law Blog: “ADA Website Accessibility Lawsuits Escalate” was republished on Hotel News Resource and Hotel Online.
Marty Orlick’s blog article from Hotel Law Blog, “Hotel Fights Back: Judge Dismisses High Frequency Litigant’s ADA Pool Lift Case” was republished on Hotel Online.
Foreign individuals who intend to permanently reside in the U.S., or do not intend to reside in the U.S. but intend to own U.S. property, need considerable legal and tax planning. The definition of “U.S. property” for international tax purposes is a term of art and complex. This planning should be done in advance to […]
On August 2, 2016, the Treasury Department issued Proposed Regulations to Section 2704 of the Internal Revenue Code. These proposed regulations are directed at family controlled entities (many of which hold operating businesses and/or real estate), including corporations, partnerships and limited liability companies. These regulations, if finalized, will substantially limit or eliminate the ability to […]
Daniel Freedman wrote the op-ed “Twisting the Truth: The NIMBY Opposition to Second Units in L.A.”, published in Planetizen.
In Michael Gold’s commentary, Still Only Human, published in the July 18, 2016 edition of the Los Angeles Business Journal, he writes: “Cybercrime cost the world economy about $500 billion in 2015 and this year’s numbers will be even higher. The cost of data breaches is projected to reach $2.1 trillion globally by 2019. Worldwide […]
Rod S. Berman’s article, “Tax Incentives for Intellectual Property,” was published by the Bloomberg BNA Patent, Trademark and Copyright Journal on July 29, 2016. An excerpt follows: In the increasingly global world economy, the United States and other countries face an increasing challenge in attempting to remain attractive jurisdictions for the development and relocation of intellectual […]