Jim Butler’s blog, “U.S. Hotel Owners could lose $2.1 billion in hotel value with new Expedia program,” was picked up by Hospitality Net.
Jim Butler’s blog article titled, “Hotel Lawyer Alert: U.S. Hotel Owners could lose $2.1 billion in hotel value with new Expedia program,” was picked up by Hotel-Online and ehotelier.com.
Jim Butler’s blog article titled, “Hotel Lawyer with PKF’s ‘US Lodging Market Outlook’ — What if we hit the Fiscal Cliff? What if we postpone it? Recession in 2013?” was published by ehotelier.com.
Jim Butler’s blog article, “David Loeb shares RW Baird industry analysis,” was published by Hotel-Online and Hospitality Net.
Jim Butler’s blog article, “Hotel Lawyer with PKF’s ‘US Lodging Market Outlook’ — What if we hit the Fiscal Cliff? What if we postpone it? Recession in 2013?”, was published by Hotel-Online and Hospitality Net.
Jim Butler’s blog article, “Hotel Franchise Lawyer: 7 areas to negotiate in your next franchise agreement,” containing Cathy Holmes’s negotiation tips for licensing contracts, was picked up by Hotel News Resource.
Guy Maisnik’s article, “What you don’t know about undocumented workers could really hurt you!” was published by Jim Butler’s Hotel Law Blog and was picked up by Hotel-Online, Hospitality Net, 4Hoteliers and ehotelier.com.
Jim Butler’s blog article, “JMBM’s Hotel Lawyers Post 500th Blog”, was picked up by Hotel-Online.
Jim Butler’s blog article, “3 Nuggets of Information from Vail Brown of STR on Hotel Industry Prospects for 2013 and Beyond,” was picked up by Hotel-Online, Hospitality Net and ehotelier.com.
Jim Butler’s blog article, “Phoenix Rising — Insights from the Phoenix Lodging Conference,” was picked up by Hotel-Online.