Jim Butler’s and Marty Orlick’s blog article titled, "DOJ Clarifies March 15, 2012 Mandatory Pool Lift Requirement! (Uh-oh)" was reprinted by Hotel News Resource, HotelOnline and HotelManagement.net.
What you need to know for your golf course to comply with the new ADA Standards and how to avoid costly litigation or a DOJ investigation ADA Compliance is par for the course by Martin H. Orlick, Esq. | ADA Defense and Compliance Lawyer Do you remember when top pro golfer Casey Martin successfully sued […]
Stan Gibson’s blog article titled, "Taser’s Contempt Motion Denied Where Colorable Differences Existed Between Infringing Product and Newly Accused Product," was reprinted by IP Frontline.
Stan Gibson’s blog article titled, "The Battle over Android: Google Succeeds in Striking Oracle’s Damage Expert for Conducting a Patent-By-Patent Analysis Instead of a Claim-By-Claim Analysis," was reprinted by IP Frontline.
An article co-authored by Vince Farhat titled “Privacy in the Digital Era,” was published by the Daily Journal.
Jim Butler’s blog article titled, "Litigation and disputes between hotel owners and operators are on the rise. Why?" was published by HOTELS.
Jim Butler’s blog article titled “Hotel Lawyer in Los Angeles: ALIS – What’s the commotion all about? Closing the conference hotel to outsiders,” was published by ehotelier.com.
Jim Butler’s blog article titled "Quick! Can you pass this 3-question ADA pop quiz?" was published by Hotel Online.
Jim Butler’s blog article titled, "Hotel Lawyer in Los Angeles: ALIS – What’s the commotion all about? Closing the conference hotel to outsiders" was published by Hotel Online, Hospitality Net and Los Angeles Local Me.me.
Jim Butler’s blog article titled, "Hotel management contract disputes: Importance of "fiduciary" duties in Owner-Operator lawsuits," was published by Hotel Online, ehotelier.com, Lexology and Mondaq.