Building windows


Taxation and Trusts & Estates Elite Advisor Forum: GRATs: Time Is Running Out

Burton Mitchell‘s article titled “GRATs: Time Is Running Out” was published in the Elite Advisor Forum. To view this article as a pdf, click here. “By transferring appreciating assets to a GRAT, individuals may transfer those assets free of gift or estate taxes, provided the grantor outlives the GRAT annuity term and the transferred assets […]

Litigation Size Them Up: Picking – or Rather, “Excluding” – a Jury

Orange County Litigation Newsletter, Fall 2010 Size Them Up: Picking – or Rather, “Excluding” – a Jury Clarence Darrow, one of the most famous American lawyers and civil libertarians, wrote in “How to Pick A Jury,” Esquire, May 1936: “It is obvious that if a litigant discovered one of his dearest friends in the jury […]

Land Use JMBM Development Rights Newsletter: Area Planning Commissions Need Help

JMBM Development Rights Newsletter Fall 2010 Area Planning Commissions Need Help In the City of Los Angeles we have seven Area Planning Commissions (known as “APCs”), each consisting of five volunteer members appointed by the Mayor and covering a distinct geographical part of the city. These APC commissioners need not and, in fact, do not […]

Corporate JMBM Corporate Law Newsletter: Cloud Computing, Part III

Cloud Computing, Part III JMBM Corporate Law Newsletter: Cloud Computing, Part III This article is the last in a series about cloud computing. Read parts one and two to get the full story. In past issues of the JMBM Corporate Law Newsletter, we discussed some of the benefits and challenges of cloud computing. As discussed […]

Corporate JMBM Corporate Law Newsletter: Back of the Agreement-Boilerplate Provisions

Back of the Agreement–Boilerplate Provisions The term “boilerplate” dates back to the 1890s, when printing plates of text for advertisements or syndicated columns were cast or stamped in steel ready for the printing press and distributed to newspapers around the United States. They were called boilerplates because of their resemblance to the thick, tough steel […]