Building windows


ADA Representation ADA Alert: New Regulations Now in Effect

ADA Alert: New Regulations Now in Effect On July 23, 2010, the U.S. Attorney General signed into law important revisions to the Department of Justice’s (DOJ)Regulations implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act. The new regulations include substantial and far reaching revisions to the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG), which are now known as […]

Trusts & Estates Elite Advisor Forum: The Perfect Storm of Estate Planning Coming to an End

Gordon Schaller’s article "The Perfect Storm of Estate Planning Coming to an End" was published by The Elite Advisor Forum, the financial services industry’s premier online destination for financial advisors who serve affluent individuals. "Early speculation about changes to the 2009 income, gift and estate taxes by the Democrat-controlled Congress and administration was quickly replaced […]

Intellectual Property, Litigation, Patent Litigation Group and Taxation Patent Holders: Do Not Forget Taxes

Patent Holders: Do Not Forget Taxes JMBM attorney Stan Gibson discusses… What patent holders and inventors need to know before licensing, acquiring, or settling a lawsuit involving intellectual property There are complex tax issues surrounding the licensing of intellectual property and the settlement of lawsuits regarding intellectual property. Therefore, the tax issues impacting a particular […]

Jeffer Mangels Butler & Marmaro LLP changes its name to Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP: Name partner Marc Marmaro appointed to Superior Court Judge and Tax Lawyer Burton Mitchell becomes name partner.

After 28 years of service to the Firm, founding partner Marc Marmaro will be sworn in as a Judge in Los Angeles County Superior Court on August 5, 2010. By law, Marc’s name must be removed from the Firm’s title, which will occur on the same day. Congratulations, Marc on an exceptional honor. In recognition […]