Dan Sedor’s article, "E-Discovery Bar Set High For Litigants," was published by The Daily Journal. His article discussed the ruling in Pension Committee of the University of Montreal Pension Plan v. Banc of America Securities, LLC, which found that failing to issue a written litigation hold for relevant documents during discovery can result in strict […]
Jim Butler’s blog article, “Tranche Warfare: The coming litigation among stakeholders in CMBS Loans” appeared in Hotel Online, ehotelier.com and Hotel Resource.
David Sudeck’s article, "Timeshare lawyer advisory for timeshare developers, owners and operators. Impact of new ADA rules on your timeshare project" was posted on Jim Butler’s Hotel Law Blog and picked up by 4Hoteliers.com.
David Sudeck’s article "Timeshare lawyer advisory for timeshare developers, owners and operators. Impact of new ADA rules on your timeshare project," was posted on Jim Butler’s Hotel Law Blog and picked up by Hotel Online.
In School Punishment of Online Speech: Evans v. Bayer, Stuart Tubis reports on Evans v. Bayer, No. 08-61952-CIV-GARBER (S.D. Fla. February 12, 2010), which deals with what forms of online speech a school can and cannot regulate.
Guy Maisnik and Jim Butler’s blog article “Hotel Lawyer: California Foreclosure Traps for Unwary Lenders: What one Expert Tells Lenders about Avoiding the Pitfalls of Foreclosing in California on Hotels and Other Mixed Collateral” appeared in Hotel Online. The article also appeared in ehotelier.com.
As promised, here are the Rules of the Court governing receivership: Rule 3.1175. Ex parte application for appointment of receiver (a) Application In addition to any other matters supporting an application for the ex parte appointment of a receiver, the applicant must show in detail by verified complaint or declaration: (1) The nature of the […]
Robert Braun was the featured interview on VoiceAmerica, a talk radio network, on the program “Stars of PR with Cindy R.” His interview was entitled, “How Secure is your Information on the Internet?”
Jim Butler’s blog article titled, “Atlas 2009 Year End Hotel Survey . . . and what it means,” appeared in ehotelier.com, Hotel Online and Hotel Resource.
I’ve given the Receivership 101 program many times, and it always generates an enthusiastic turnout. We figured our large conference room here at JMBM could handle the event, but the response was so great that we sold out almost immediately. Due to popular demand, the Bay Area Chapter of the California Receivers Forum decided to […]