Jim Butler’s blog article, "Hotel Lawyer: ALIS brings optimists to earth. Lenders make new evaluations. Realism is cold and gray," appeared in Hotel Online, ehotelier.com, 4Hoteliers and Hospitality Net.
2010: "Repeal" of the Federal Estate Tax The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (the "2001 Act") made headlines at the time of its passage because it contained provisions that would repeal the estate tax and the generation-skipping transfer ("GST") tax. The truth is that the 2001 Act replaces the federal estate […]
Jim Butler’s article, "More Lawsuits Against Online Travel Companies Over ‘Lost’ Bed Taxes — Why Hotels Should Care About the Transient Occupancy Tax Battles," was published in the Montana Innkeepers Association’s Winter 2010 Newsletter.
The JMBM Special Assets Team™ is looking for a 2-3 year junior litigation associate for our commercial creditors rights practice based in San Francisco’s Financial District. The successful candidate will have excellent law school credentials, some courtroom and deposition experience and be capable of preparing pleadings and motions. Bankruptcy experience is desirable but not required. […]
On December 8, 2009, while struggling with health care reform, financial industry overhaul, a spiraling deficit, the risk of a double-dip recession, and all of the other headline-grabbing events of the past months, the House of Representatives took an important step in pushing forward legislation which could, if enacted, have a significant impact on almost […]
James Neudecker co-authored “California Summary Judgment,” published by Continuing Education of the Bar.
David Sudeck’s article "Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): Proposed Revisions and Timeshare Applicability," was published in Developments magazine. The article discusses modifications to the ADA Accessibility Guidelines and whether they apply to timeshare properties.
Jim Butler’s blog article, "How they are going to make you pay TOT on revenues your hotel never received," appeared in Hotel Online.
Cloud Computing, Part I This article is the first in a series about cloud computing. Read parts two and three to get the full story. On October 29, 2009, the City of Los Angeles announced that it is outsourcing its e-mail services to Google, becoming the largest governmental body to outsource such a key computer […]
You’ve gotten a judgment against that troublesome borrower who hides assets and plays games, but you are afraid that it will be many moons before you are able to collect. You know that one of the best ways to get this kind of person to deal with you is to get a statewide judgment lien […]