Stan Gibson’s article titled, “Six Steps to Litigation Readiness,” was published by published by PLI in Electronic Discovery Guidance 2009: What Corporate and Outside Counsel Need to Know.
Jim Butler’s and Marty Orlick’s blog article, "ADA Hotel Lawyers: California opens door to more ADA litigation, but also offers protection to the well-informed", appeared in Hotel Online, and Hotel Resource.
From time to time, the JMBM Special Assets Team™ members make speeches, appear on panels and present webinars about topics of interest to workout professionals. These programs are a great opportunity for workout professionals to ask questions, keep up to date and to network. The Special Assets Lawyer Blog features a “Programs & Events” button […]
Jim Butler’s blog article, “Insights on the New CMBS rules: Dawning of a New Era, or Error of a New Dawning?” appeared in Hotel Online and Hotel Resource, clarifying the changed REMIC rules applicable to CMBS, which gives servicers greater flexibility to modify troubled commercial real estate loans.
Jim Butler’s blog article, "Hotel Lawyer: Does "End of the Recession" mean "Recovery"? Not for luxury hotels!", appeared in
Jim Butler’s blog article, "The Hotel Owner’s and Hotel Lender’s Dilemma: Sell now or sell later? How long does it take to market a hotel today?", appeared in Hospitality Trends.
Jim Butler’s blog article, "The Hotel Owner’s and Hotel Lender’s Dilemma: Sell now or sell later? How long does it take to market a hotel today?", appeared in Hotel Online,,, Hospitality Trends and Hotel Resource.
Jim Butler’s blog article, “Hotel Lawyer: Does “End of the Recession” mean “Recovery”? Not for luxury hotels!”, appeared in, and Hotel Online.
The information and materials made available on this website have been prepared by Jeffer, Mangels, Butler & Mitchell LLP (JMBM) for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter, or to answer specific legal problems you may have. While we try to ensure the accuracy of the […]
OFFSHORE ACCOUNT AMNESTY PROGRAM UBS has agreed to give the IRS a list of more than 4,450 names of U.S. persons with UBS Swiss bank accounts. Whether or not your name appears on the UBS list, if you had an unreported offshore account (with UBS or otherwise) at any time during the past six years, […]