Jim Butler’s blog article “Hospitality Lawyer Insights from MTM: #2. When does the hotel industry recover?” appeared on ehotelier.com. This article originally appeared on JMBM’s Hotel Law Blog: Hospitality Lawyer Insights from MTM: #2. When does the hotel industry recover?
Jim Butler’s blog article “Hospitality Lawyers: State of the Public Equity Markets – Lodging & REIT Sectors” appeared on ehotelier.com.
Jim Butler’s blog article “Hospitality Lawyers: Public markets got us in to this. Can they get us out?” appeared on ehotelier.com.
Song-Beverly Credit Card Act Does Not Apply To Online Credit Card Sales To download a PDF of this Alert, click here. In a case decided on January 5, 2009 (Saulic v. Symantec Corp.), the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California held that the Song-Beverly Credit Card Act (the “Act”) does not apply […]
WHAT IS THE ADA? The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 is Civil Rights legislation passed by Congress in 1990 that is intended to prohibit discrimination based on disability. Title III of the ADA addresses barriers that prevent persons with disabilities from full and equal access to places of "public accommodation" and mandates the […]
Jim Butler’s article, “ADA Compliance is no longer an option,” appeared in ehotelier.com and Hotel Online. This article originally appeared on JMBM’s Hotel Law Blog: Hotel ADA Defense Lawyer: ADA Compliance is no longer an option. There is a “new sheriff” in town, and problem prevention costs a fraction of defense and compliance under a […]
Jim Butler’s article, "Hotel Lawyer: Luxury hotel success story! (and philosophy). Ali Kasikci and Montage Beverly Hills", appeared in ehotelier.com. This article originally appeared on JMBM’s Hotel Law Blog: Hotel Lawyer: Luxury hotel success story! (and philosophy). Ali Kasikci and Montage Beverly Hills.
Jim Butler’s article, "Hotel Lawyer: Stimulate this! The lighter side of political commentary from the centuries", appeared in Hotel Resource. This article originally appeared on JMBM’s Hotel Law Blog: Hotel Lawyer: Stimulate this! The lighter side of political commentary from the centuries
Jim Butler was quoted in USA Today in an article entitled, "More Hotels are Facing Foreclosure, Bankruptcy", regarding the potential of an increasing amount of foreclosures in the hotel industry.
Jim Butler’s article, "Hotel ADA Lawyer: ADA Compliance is no longer an option", appeared in Hotel Online. This article originally appeared on JMBM’s Hotel Law Blog: Hotel ADA Defense Lawyer: ADA Compliance is no longer an option. There is a "new sheriff" in town, and problem prevention costs a fraction of defense and compliance under […]