Target Corporation was sued under the ADA for inaccessibility of its website We gave you an early heads up about how lawsuits brought under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) can target your website or online reservation system . . . and what you should do about it now. Now there is much more. For […]
Recently, JMBM lawyers successfully challenged an attempt by the City of Los Angeles to unlawfully impose conditions of approval on a proposed infill apartment project that was entitled to a height increase under SB 1818, the state density bonus law. The case involved the request by JMBM’s client Louise Apts. LLC to increase the height […]
Gina Marie Lindsey began by saying she intended to focus her comments primarily on LAX. When she became executive director in early 2007, LAX had 61 million passengers flowing through its facilities; that’s down 7 million from the high point of 68 million in 2000. LAX has also seen a 7% reduction in air traffic […]
On November 14, 2008, federal court Judge A. Howard Matz of the United States District Court, Central District of California, awarded JMBM’s client, CEMEX, the full amount of attorneys’ fees requested for its defense of a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) lawsuit. The attorneys’ fees were incurred in the last round of litigation involving actions […]
Under California’s foreclosure law, three months must pass after recording a Notice of Default before the creditor can instruct the Trustee to sell the property. While California law requires only 20 days notice before the foreclosure sale, lenders typically instruct the foreclosure company to give 25 days notice, as this is what IRS requires for […]
THE EMPLOYEE FREE CHOICE ACT WILL USHER IN A NEW ERA OF UNIONIZATION, BUT HOW QUICKLY WILL IT BECOME LAW? by Travis Gemoets ABA’s Tort, Trial and Insurance Practice Committee News on Employment Law & Litigation, Winter 2009 For thirty years, the number of unionized employees in the American workforce has been in decline. Across […]
An important ADA sweep has been launched — a development involving the Americans with Disabilities Act — and there are important, cost-effective steps a prudent owner or operator can take now to solve unnecessary problems. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound a cure. ADA defense champ — 300 cases I recently caught up […]
A version of Marta Fernandez’s article titled, "New Era (of Unionization)," was published in the December 2008 issue of Lodging Law by the American Hotel and Motel Association (AH&LA). To read the article, click on the File above titled "The EFCA: New Era of Unionization."
Speculation runs rampant about the income, gift and estate tax changes that will result from the administration of President-Elect Obama. Most of the recent discussion has focused on tax rates applicable to ordinary income, capital gains, and dividends. Gift and estate tax changes, which affect most of readers of this newsletter, have received much less […]
Marta Fernandez’s article, "Winning the Hearts, Minds and Loyalty of your Workforce Before the Union Comes Calling" was published on Hotel Law Blog. To view the article as a PDF, please click on the file above. November 28, 2008 This week, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce announced it will spend about $10 million in the […]