Building windows


Global Hospitality Group® and Real Estate JMBM Alert: United States Supreme Court Refuses to Entertain Appeal by Frivolous, Vexatious Litigant in Federal Courts

On November 17, 2008, the United States Supreme Court let stand a key Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that a “serial plaintiff” and his attorney, who had filed more than 400 lawsuits against California businesses, could not file repeated Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) lawsuits against business owners without first obtaining court […]

Taxation and Trusts & Estates Orange County Business Journal: Living Trusts: How Special Distribution Provisions Can Help You Achieve Your Objectives

Living Trusts: How Special Distribution Provisions Can Help You Achieve Your Objectives By Gordon A. Schaller and Scott Harshman Special Distribution Provisions in Living Trusts The living trust is one of the most basic estate planning tools available, but some lawyers adopt a "one-form-fits-all" approach to drafting the trust. Many clients have special situations that […]

Land Use JMBM Development Rights: In California the Magic Number is 99!

California voters have spoken and the state now has a new law on eminent domain. On June 3rd, California voters overwhelmingly approved Proposition 99, while sending the rival Proposition 98, down to defeat. The genesis of both initiatives was the landmark decision in the case of Kelo v. City of New London. That decision upheld […]