Jim Butler’s article, “Why are so many hoteliers talking about cannabis hotels?,” was published in the October 2019 issue of Hotel Management.
Bob Braun and Jim Butler’s article “Is GDPR Legislation Coming to U.S. Hotels?” was picked up by Hotel Online.
Jim Butler and Marty Orlick’s article “New ‘accessibility’ regulations for electric vehicle charging stations” was picked up by Hotel Online, Hotel Resource and Hospitality Net.
Jim Butler’s article “What Do Top Hotel Executives See on the Horizon for 2018?” was picked up by Hotel Online and 4 Hoteliers.
Jim Butler and the Tax Department’s article, “Important News for Hospitality Executives: How the new Tax Act could affect your estate plan,” was republished by Hotel Online.
Bob Braun’s article “Behind the Cyberattacks on Hotels” was published by Hotel Executive’s Hotel Business Review.
Jim Butler’s article “Resort Fees: is full disclosure in your best interest?” was published in the November/December issue of Hopitality Trendz.
Marty Orlick’s article “ADA Compliance & Defense Lawyer Update: 99 ADA lawsuits dismissed as fraudulent and malicious” was republished by Hotel Online, HSyndicate.org and HospitalityNet.
Jim Butler’s article “Hotel Lawyer – Impending Eruption of Litigation over Resort Fees?” was republished by Hotel News Resource.
Jim Butler’s article “EB-5 Finance Lawyer: President Trump’s Budget Deal Includes Extension of EB-5 Through 12-8-17” was republished on Hotel Online.