Jim Butler’s blog article, “JMBM’s Hotel Lawyers Post 500th Blog”, was picked up by Hotel-Online.
Jim Butler’s blog article, “3 Nuggets of Information from Vail Brown of STR on Hotel Industry Prospects for 2013 and Beyond,” was picked up by Hotel-Online, Hospitality Net and ehotelier.com.
Jim Butler’s blog article, “Phoenix Rising — Insights from the Phoenix Lodging Conference,” was picked up by Hotel-Online.
A version of this article was first published in the September 21, 2012 issue of Hotel Business and is reprinted with permission. Not too long ago, keeping guest information safe was a fairly straightforward process – perhaps the most innovative development was providing an in-room safe for valuables. This approach made sense at the time, […]
Bob Braun’s article, “Information Security – Beyond the Safe: how to protect your guests’ personal identities,” was published in the September 21, 2012 issue of Hotel Business.
Jim Butler, Cathy Holmes and Victor Shum’s article, “EB-5 Alert: Congress approves 3 year extension for regional centers,” was published on Jim Butler’s Hotel Law Blog, and was picked up by Hotel Online and ehotelier.com.
Jim Butler’s blog article titled “EB-5 financing for hotels is now mainstream institutional” was picked up by Hotel Online and ehotelier.com.
Jim Butler’s blog article titled “JMBM’s Chinese Investment Group® happenings and events” was published by Hotel Online and ehotelier.com.
Jim Butler’s blog about Bob Kaplan’s Super Lawyers profile, “Hotel Restructuring, Workouts, Receivership and Bankruptcy: The Art of Heavy Lifting,” was published in the Hotel Law Blog and picked up by Hotel Online and Hospitality Net.
Bob Braun and Cathy Holmes’s article titled, “Brand franchise issues in hotel purchase and sale transactions,” was published by Jim Butler’s Hotel Law Blog, and was picked up by Hotel Online, Hospitality Net and 4Hoteliers.