Jim Butler and Marty Orlick co-authored an article titled, “How Hotel Swimming Pools May Spawn ADA Lawsuits And What To Do About It,” which was published by ehotelier.com.
Jim Butler’s article, "The Lodging Industry Think Tank’s ‘TOP 10’ Investment Trends and Challenges," was published in Hotel News Resource on May 7, 2007.
Jim Butler authored an article titled, "Hotel Financing Looking at a New Benchmark – the $100 Billion Deal," which was published by Hotel Resource on April 24, 2007.
Jim Butler and Marta Fernandez co-authored an article titled, “Disastrous Wage And Hour Decision: California Supreme Court Makes It A Dark Day For Employers,” which was published by Hotel-Online and Hotel Resource on April 18, 2007.
When the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was enacted by Congress in July 1990, the Internet was in its infancy and few, if any, considered its applicability to cyberspace. But a San Francisco Federal judge’s recent decision not to dismiss a discrimination case against retailer Target Corporation has brought the issue to the forefront. Believed […]
Jim Butler’s article titled, "Green Hotels are Profitable Now!" was published by Hospitality Net on March 23, 2007 and in Hotel News Resource on March 21, 2007.
Jim Butler’s article titled, "Hotel Mixed-Use . . . Pass Key to Unlocking New Development and Bigger Profits?" was posted to the Las Vegas Trade Show Guide and Hsyndicate on March 15, 2007 and on Hospitality Trends on March 19, 2007
Jim Butler authored an article on March 5, 2007 titled, "Reggie Jackson Hotel, Conference Center and Baseball Hall of Fame?" on Hospitality Net.
Anytime a hotel owner begins serious negotiations with a hotel manager, he or she is likely to be presented with the manager’s standard form of management agreement. The Manager’s Standard Form Not surprisingly, the standard agreement will be the best case scenario for the manager. It will provide the optimum term, best termination rights, and […]
Smoking has long presented a challenge to the hospitality industry. Perhaps unique among all industries, hotels, restaurants and bars are in the position of catering (or trying to cater) to two opposing groups simultaneously — smokers and non-smokers. The industry has worked to address the desires of these two groups for years, creating smoking and […]