Building windows

Guy Maisnik

Global Hospitality Group® Hotel Business: Economy Spurs Growth of Hotel-Retail Mixed-Use

Jim Butler and Guy Maisnik’s article titled “Economy Spurs Growth of Hotel-Retail Mixed-Use” was published in the January 15, 2013 issue of Hotel Business. The article discusses their predictions for a new surge in hotel-retail mixed-use development projects in 2013. The article was also published on Hotel Online, Hospitality Net and

Global Hospitality Group® Commercial Mortgage Insight: What to Consider When A Hotel Falters: Stakeholders need to ask a series of questions about a distressed hospitality asset before proceeding with a loan workout or foreclosure

Guy Maisnik’s article, “What to Consider When A Hotel Falters: Stakeholders need to ask a series of questions about a distressed hospitality asset before proceeding with a loan workout or foreclosure”, was published in the May-July 2009 issue of Commercial Mortgage Insight. To read this article, click here.

Global Hospitality Group® Hotel Finance: Shades of Green

A revolution is under way! Soon we will all be thinking “GREEN” in nearly every material decision we make, hotel development included. If you don’t think your hotel guests are starting to evaluate your “shade of green” in making hotel selections, think again. The number of hospitality projects we are asked to review with an […]