Stan Gibson and Nahal Bahri wrote “Chapter 9: Preparing to Discuss Predictive Coding at the Rule 26(f) Conference” which was included in PLI’s Course Handbook for the Electronic Discovery Institute, 2014.
By Stan Gibson and Greg Cordrey Download the PDF: Can Your DNA Be Patented? The Supreme Court Draws A Delicate Balance This article was originally published in the Orange County Business Journal. In Ass’n for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc., the Supreme Court held that a naturally occurring, isolated segment of DNA is a product […]
Stan Gibson’s blog article, “Pre-Filing Investigation At ITC Protected From Discovery,” was republished by IP Frontline.
Bloomberg BNA has published the 2012 update to the BNA Portfolio, “Records Retention for Enterprise Knowledge Management,” authored by Bob Braun, Stan Gibson, Michael Gold and Dan Sedor. The portfolio was first released in 2007.
Stan Gibson’s blog article titled, “Challenge to Plaintiff’s Damage Expert’s Opinion on Reasonable Royalty Successful Where Expert Relied on Hypothetical Negotiation That Would Have Resulted in Financially Catastrophic Agreement for Defendants,” was republished by
Are Medical Diagnostic Tests Patentable? The Supreme Court Weighs in With Its Mayo v. Prometheus Decision By Stanley Gibson and Gregory Cordrey, Partners, Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP Reprinted with the permission of the Orange County Business Journal. Download the PDF: Are Medical Diagnostic Tests Patentable? The Supreme Court Weighs in With Its Mayo v. Prometheus […]
Stan Gibson’s blog article, “Apple v. Samsung: After Remand from the Federal Circuit, Apple Wins Preliminary Injunction Against Samsung,” discussing the patent infringement case, was republished by Corporate LiveWire.
Stan Gibson’s article titled, “Six Steps to Litigation Readiness,” was published by published by PLI in Electronic Discovery Guidance 2009: What Corporate and Outside Counsel Need to Know.
Overview The volume of e-discovery and its costs continue to rise for corporations, law firms and even solo attorneys. This phenomena has triggered a plethora of articles on the pitfalls and potential problems in EDD for the uninitiated or unaware. Frequently missing from the discussion, however, is practical experience and analysis from the trenches. This […]
Stan Gibson authored the cover story for Legal Technology News, called "Beauty Contests," about how to choose an electronic data discovery vendor.