Victor Shum and Cathy Holmes’ article, “Making Your Real Estate Project Attractive to Immigrant Investors,” was published by the Daily Journal.
Victor Shum and Cathy Holmes’ article titled, “10 tips for winning the race for EB-5 capital for your hotel development project,” was published by Jim Butler’s Hotel Law Blog, and was picked up by Hotel Online.
Jim Butler and Cathy Holmes‘ and Hotel Law Blog article, “EB-5 Immigrant Investor Visas – The Fundamentals of EB-5,” was published by Mondaq Business Briefing.
Jim Butler and Cathy Holmes’ article, “Why are U.S. hotels so attractive to Asian investors?” was published by Jim Butler’s Hotel Law Blog and was picked up by Hotel News Resource, Hotel Online, HOTELS, 4 Hoteliers and Hospitality Net.
Jim Butler and Cathy Holmes‘ Hotel Law Blog article, “EB-5 Immigrant Investor Visas – The Fundamentals of EB-5” was published by Hotel Online, Hotel News Resource and HOTELS.
Cathy Holmes’ article, “Condo Hotel Wars – Developer, Banks and Broker Win Latest Battle,” was published by 4Hoteliers.
An article by Cathy Holmes, “Condo Hotel Wars – Developer, Banks and Broker Win Latest Battle” was published on Jim Butler’s Hotel Law Blog and picked up by Hotel Online, 4Hoteliers, HOTELS and Hospitality Net.
Cathy Holmes’s article titled, “Protect your mixed-use asset by creating and maintaining standards,” was published by Jim Butler’s Hotel Law Blog and picked up by the following sites: Hospitality Net,, Hotel Online and Hotel News Resource.
Cathy Holmes’s article, “Hotel Joint Ventures: Four Keys to Success” was posted on Jim Butler’s Hotel Law Blog, and was picked up by Hotel Online, Hospitality Net and Hotel Resource.
Jim Butler and Cathy Holmes’ blog article titled, “Hotel lawyers: Public-Private Financing still works for hotel developments,” appeared in Hotel Online,, Hospitality Net and Cornell University School of Hotel Administration’s website.