“Whether you are the planner or the valuation expert, it is prudent to have a firm understanding of this new law, the protections it affords to your clients and the potential impact on value, and therefore planning opportunities,” according to Eric Bardwell of Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell and Carsten Hoffmann of Stout. By Eric […]
Eric Bardwell co-wrote the article, “AB 2245: California’s New Law and Its Impact on Estate Planning,” published by The Recorder on February 28, 2023.
Eric Bardwell co-authored an article titled, “Beating Taxes When Selling Your Business: What Benjamin Franklin Didn’t Know Can Help You,” published by California Lawyers Association.
An article by Eric Bardwell titled “The Power of Trusts in Tax Planning for Noncitizens” was published in the April 19, 2021 issue of Tax Notes State, Tax Notes International, and Tax Notes Federal.
An article by Eric Bardwell titled “California Admits Incomplete Gift Non-Grantor Trusts Work…For Now” was published by Bloomberg Tax on December 3, 2020. It was republished by the Tax Management Estates, Gifts, and Trusts Journal on January 7, 2021. Read the article here.
Eric Bardwell and Matthew Landa co-wrote the article, “Wondering if Wandry Works? The Devil Is in the Details,” published by TaxNotes.
Eric Bardwell co-wrote the article, “Tax Court Ruling Highlights Importance Of Formula Clauses,” published by Law360.
Eric Bardwell co-wrote the article, “INSIGHT: Stock Ownership Plans Can Minimize Tax on Liquidity Event,” published by Bloomberg Tax.
Eric Bardwell and Catherine DeBono Holmes’ article “INSIGHT: Are You Eligible for Tax-Free Capital Gains?” was published by Bloomberg Tax on December 2, 2019. Read the article here.
Gordon Schaller’s and Eric Bardwell’s article, “Double Whammy: Federal Estate Tax Repeal Could Substantially Increase Tax For California Residents” was published in the LISI Estate Planning Newsletter.