Michael Gold co-authored an article in Chief Executive on "Data Duty."
Stan Gibson authored an article in Computer and Internet Lawyer on "The Urgent Need for E-Data Management at the Enterprise Level."
Michael Gold co-authored an article in Privacy & Data Security Law Journal on "Implementing Security Requirements in Third-Party Agreements."
Stan Gibson authored Evolving Courtroom Technology" in the American Bar Association’s GPSOLO magazine.
Dan Sedor authored an article in BNA’s Corporate Counsel Weekly on "Problem: Information Explosion Meets Electronic Discovery." To view the complete article, please click on the file above.
Stan Gibson authored, "Form an E-Discovery Group in 5 Easy Steps," on Law.com.
Michael Gold authored "They Signed What? A Customer’s Approach to Software Development" in Cutter IT Journal.
Bob Braun‘s article, "An Emerging Information Security Minimum Standard of Due Care," with Stan Stahl, Ph.D., was published in Privacy Journal.
Robert Braun‘s article, "An Emerging Information Security Minimum Standard of Due Care," with Stan Stahl, Ph.D., was published in Information Security Management Handbook.
Bob Braun‘s article, "Contracting Principles for E-Health Transactions," with Dawn Brewer, was published in E-Health Business and Transactional Law.