Jim Butler’s blog article, "Hotel Occupancy Tax Alert: online travel company suits over transient occupancy taxes raise – 5 things every hotel owner and operator needs to know", appeared in Hotel Online, 4Hoteliers.com and ehotelier.com
Jim Butler’s and Marty Orlick’s blog article, "ADA Hotel Lawyers: California opens door to more ADA litigation, but also offers protection to the well-informed", appeared in Hotel Online, ehotelier.com and Hotel Resource.
Jim Butler’s blog article, “Insights on the New CMBS rules: Dawning of a New Era, or Error of a New Dawning?” appeared in Hotel Online and Hotel Resource, clarifying the changed REMIC rules applicable to CMBS, which gives servicers greater flexibility to modify troubled commercial real estate loans.
Jim Butler’s blog article, "Hotel Lawyer: Does "End of the Recession" mean "Recovery"? Not for luxury hotels!", appeared in 4Hoteliers.com.
Jim Butler’s blog article, "The Hotel Owner’s and Hotel Lender’s Dilemma: Sell now or sell later? How long does it take to market a hotel today?", appeared in Hospitality Trends.
Jim Butler’s blog article, "The Hotel Owner’s and Hotel Lender’s Dilemma: Sell now or sell later? How long does it take to market a hotel today?", appeared in Hotel Online, ehotelier.com, 4Hoteliers.com, Hospitality Trends and Hotel Resource.
Jim Butler’s blog article, “Hotel Lawyer: Does “End of the Recession” mean “Recovery”? Not for luxury hotels!”, appeared in ehotelier.com, and Hotel Online.
Jim Butler’s blog article, "Hotel Lawyer: Some practical alternatives to hotel closings – turning around operating results.", appeared in 4Hoteliers.com. This article originally appeared on JMBM’s Hotel Law Blog: Hotel Lawyer: Some practical alternatives to hotel closings – turning around operating results.
Jeff Myers co-authored the article, “Roadmap for Distressed Hospitality Assets, Navigating Through and Creating Opportunities in These Troubled Times” in 2009.
Jim Butler’s blog article, "Hotel Lawyer: Some practical alternatives to hotel closings – turning around operating results.", appeared in Hotel Online, Hospitality Net and ehotelier.com. This article originally appeared on JMBM’s Hotel Law Blog: Hotel Lawyer: Some practical alternatives to hotel closings – turning around operating results.