Marta Fernandez’s article, "Winning the Hearts, Minds and Loyalty of your Workforce Before the Union Comes Calling" was published on Hotel Law Blog. To view the article as a PDF, please click on the file above. November 28, 2008 This week, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce announced it will spend about $10 million in the […]
Marta Fernandez‘s article, "The Perfect Storm is Coming — The Employee Free Choice Act" was published on Hotel Law Blog. To view the complete article, please click on the file above.
Jim Butler and Marta Fernandez co-authored an article titled, “Disastrous Wage And Hour Decision: California Supreme Court Makes It A Dark Day For Employers,” which was published by Hotel-Online and Hotel Resource on April 18, 2007.
When properties are closed for renovations or conversions, employers must take special care in dealing with workforce issues, particularly if the property’s workforce is unionized. The following discussion points may help hotel owners and their labor counsel to set the optimum strategy for their property. What kind of property will the hotel become upon its […]
Hotel closings are hitting record levels, but for all the right reasons! Unlike closings caused by the “great real estate depression” of the early 1990s, hotels are closing today for positive reasons: major rehab and construction projects, conversions to condo hotel or residential condos and expansion. Hotel developers and owners are finding that construction is […]
In the wake of bruising partisan politics, the United States Department of Labor’s (DOL) much-anticipated overhaul of the federal white-collar employee overtime exemptions became effective on August 23, 2004. Depending upon who you ask, the regulations could deprive as many as six million or as few as 107,000 workers of federal overtime pay. However, there […]