A message from JMBM regarding Southern California Wildfires We express our deepest sympathy and concern for all of those affected by the Southern California wildfires. Please rest assured Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP (JMBM) is here to assist in this effort wherever possible. If you need assistance during this difficult time, do not hesitate to […]
For more information on how we can help your business, visit our COVID-19 Resource Center. Despite pushback from the insurance industry, businesses should not assume that no coverage exists for business income losses related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Knowing what to look for in your insurance policy can help you determine if you have a […]
Matt Kenefick was mentioned in the Daily Journal’s Verdicts and Settlements supplement as the Defendant’s attorney in the ADA case Tobia v Burlington Coat Factory, in which there was a bench decision for the defense on November 19, 2018.
Matt Kenefick is an author of a chapter in the book “Inside the Minds: Negotiating and Drafting Employment Agreements, 2014 ed.” published by Aspatore /Thompson Reuters.
An article written by Matt Kenefick entitled, “Tread Lightly Pursuing Trade Secret Litigation,” was published by the Daily Journal.
An article by Matt Kenefick titled, “Avoiding and Handling Your A/R Disputes from Your Lawyer’s Perspective,” was published by The CEO Magazine.
Overview The commercial use of unmanned aircraft systems (“UAS”) is an evolving area of law. As in most situations, the law trails behind technology. Recently, the tensions behind law and technology manifested in the March 6, 2014 decision in the matter of Michael P. Huerta, Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration v. Raphael Pirker. Pertinent Facts Raphael […]
Lenders: Beware of the “Two-Dollar Bankruptcy” by Matthew Kenefick Most lenders usually only involve legal in problematic or highly-complicated transactions; otherwise, business would grind to a halt. Most loan documents are created using form software or are reused from prior transactions. The unwary lender, however, may inadvertently create an enforcement trap. Even with careful underwriting, […]
Anticipating And Avoiding ESI Problems by Matthew Kenefick Not always, but often enough to matter, electronically stored information (“ESI”) problems can be expensive and transform a modest lawsuit into a major dispute. Many times, however, ESI problems can be minimized by identifying the issues early on. Attorneys commonly work with their clients to institute a […]
Matthew S. Kenefick’s article entitled, “Protecting Ownership When A Host Property Enters Foreclosure,” was published in the February 2011 edition of Solar Industry Magazine (Vol. 4, No.1). The article discusses the importance of a properly structured power purchase agreement to ensure that a building owner will not lose his solar energy system to a lender […]