Jim Butler’s blog article, "Global Hospitality Advisor®: A masterstroke hospitality investment by savvy investor," was published by Hotel Online and ehotelier.com.
David Sudeck’s article "How to buy distressed notes secured by vacation ownership projects" was published by Jim Butler’s Hotel Law Blog and was picked up by Hotel Online and 4Hoteliers.
What are you going to do now? Employees in your production plant in China, aided by a couple of management-level employees in your home office in the US, may have bribed Chinese government officials, avoided paying Chinese taxes, and possibly engaged in a host of other regulatory and criminal violations of Chinese laws. This seems […]
New Cottage Industry: Boon or Bust? By Rod S. Berman Reprinted with the permission of Daily Journal Corp. (2010) Legal cottage industries built upon claims of intellectual property infringement are established and growing. For example, in the apparel field, entities purporting to own copyrighted fabric designs are employing the Copyright Act to obtain huge numbers […]
Pause Before Sending: Using Unenforceable Non-Competes can be Very Costly Had STAAR Surgical Company (Nasdaq: STAA) (“STAAR”) obtained sound legal advice before it sent three letters to its competitors, STAAR might have saved itself $11.4 million. In separate, two-month long jury trials, our trial team including myself, Eudeen Chang and Monica Vu of Jeffer Mangels, […]
Served Today, Trial Tomorrow You could be in trial tomorrow on a case that was filed last week. This has been a surprising reality for clients – and lawyers. A special provision in the California Corporations Code Section 709, requires a trial to begin within five days once an action to determine the validity of […]
Protecting Ownership of Your Property: The Importance of Employment Agreements A recent decision from the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals, Stanford University v. Roche, 516 F.3d 1003 (Fed. Cir. 2009), highlights the importance of employment agreements in protecting the ownership of intellectual property. In Roche, the Federal Circuit faced the issue of whether Stanford University […]
Marty Orlick’s article, "Hotels and the ADA: How far do the responsibilities of hotel owners and managers extend to their disabled guests?" was posted on Jim Butler’s Hotel Law Blog, and picked up by the following sites: Hotel Online, Hospitality Net, 4Hoteliers, ehotelier.com and Hotel Resource.
Caution remains the watchword even as bearish sentiment declines JMBM’s 2010 California Real Estate & Land Use Survey gathered data from 98 executives, 49 percent of whom identified themselves as developers and 49 percent as capital providers. Respondents indicating they were "bearish" about the market declined from 22 percent a year ago to 11 percent […]
The Business Divorce by Michael Gold Copyright © Business Law News Issue 1 2010. Reprinted with permission To view this article, click here. A Painful ExperienceOne of the most painful events any business owner can experience is a “business divorce.” What is this? It’s when partners split up, a key partner dies or leaves on […]