On March 19, 2009, the U.S. Department of Labor published model notices to help plans and employers comply with new requirements for notifying terminated employees of their right to receive health care premium subsidies for COBRA payments under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). New Employer Obligations Two new COBRA notice requirements […]
A version of Marta Fernandez’s article titled, "New Era (of Unionization)," was published in the December 2008 issue of Lodging Law by the American Hotel and Motel Association (AH&LA). To read the article, click on the File above titled "The EFCA: New Era of Unionization."
Marta Fernandez’s article, "Winning the Hearts, Minds and Loyalty of your Workforce Before the Union Comes Calling" was published on Hotel Law Blog. To view the article as a PDF, please click on the file above. November 28, 2008 This week, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce announced it will spend about $10 million in the […]
Marta Fernandez‘s article, "The Perfect Storm is Coming — The Employee Free Choice Act" was published on Hotel Law Blog. To view the complete article, please click on the file above.
This article first appeared in Hotel Business. Recent court decisions indicate that the tables may be turning against unions that practice abusive tactics against employers. In general, unions enjoy a wide range of protections under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) when engaging in organizing activities, electioneering or campaigning to obtain employer or employee support. […]
When properties are closed for renovations or conversions, employers must take special care in dealing with workforce issues, particularly if the property’s workforce is unionized. The following discussion points may help hotel owners and their labor counsel to set the optimum strategy for their property. What kind of property will the hotel become upon its […]
JMBM hotel labor lawyer Marta Fernandez writes about The Hotel Group’s successful attempt to hire the workforce of their choice upon re-opening a renovated hotel. Ms. Fernandez represented The Hotel Group before the NLRB. As the demand for hotel rooms continues to grow, hotel developers and owners across the country are acquiring, renovating and repositioning […]
Hotel closings are hitting record levels, but for all the right reasons! Unlike closings caused by the “great real estate depression” of the early 1990s, hotels are closing today for positive reasons: major rehab and construction projects, conversions to condo hotel or residential condos and expansion. Hotel developers and owners are finding that construction is […]