Rod Berman’s article, co-authored by Alexandra Jia, “Eyeing the Intellectual Property of Wearable Tech,” was published by the Daily Journal. Wearable technology such as Google® Glass (a wearable eyepiece computer that features an LCD screen display and voice activated technology), is proliferating and is impacting a wide range of industries. In this article, Rod Berman […]
Greg Cordrey’s article, “PTAB Patent Requires the Patent Owner to Attend Oral Argument,” was published by JD Supra and picked up by MSN Money.
By Stan Gibson and Greg Cordrey Download the PDF: Can Your DNA Be Patented? The Supreme Court Draws A Delicate Balance This article was originally published in the Orange County Business Journal. In Ass’n for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc., the Supreme Court held that a naturally occurring, isolated segment of DNA is a product […]
Stan Gibson’s blog article, "Court Orders Depositions in Taiwan to Overcome Procedural Obstacles in Japan" was reprinted by IP Frontline.
Stan Gibson’s article titled, "Facebook’s Motion to Stay Pending Reexamination Denied Where Plaintiff Showed It Would Suffer Undue Prejudice," was published by IP Frontline.
“Hot News” and Preemption by Rod Berman This article was originally published in Bloomberg Law Reports on September 6, 2011. Download the PDF: “Hot News” and Preemption In Barclays Capital Inc. v., Inc., the Southern District of New York ruled that Theflyonthewall’s use of stock recommendations developed by a number of financial institutions constituted […]
Stan Gibson’s article, “Patent Infringement Action Dismissed for Lack of Personal Jurisdiction Where Patent Infringement Claims Did Not Arise Out of Negotiations for a License” was published by IP Frontline.
Supreme Court Ruling Maintains Tight Invalidity Standards in i4i L.P. Patent Infringement Case What this means for you Earlier this month, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision in Microsoft Corp. v. i4i L.P., 589 F.3d 1246 (Fed. Cir. 2009), upholding a Federal Circuit Court of Appeals decision affirming an award of close to $300 […]
Recent Federal Third Circuit Case Sheds Light on Possible Enforceable Non-Competes in California: Lessons from Bimbo Bakeries v. Botticella By Rod S. Berman and Barbra A. Arnold Reprinted with permission from the Employee Relations Law Journal, Aspen Publishers. To view this article as a pdf, click here. Notwithstanding everything known about how courts cannot prevent […]
IRS Ordered To Help Trademark Licensor Reduce Tax Liability This article, written by Rod S. Berman, was originally published in les Nouvelles, the journal of Licensing Executives Society International, and is reprinted here with their permission. To download a PDF of this article, click here. Companies regularly enter into trademark licenses to obtain the right […]