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Chinese Business Law Journal: Conducting an Internal Investigation in China

Your home office in the US has an important manufacturing facility in China, where it is suspected that bribery of Chinese government officials may have occurred. You have assembled an experienced team to investigate the situation and determine what to do about it. This is a good start.

Building upon the issues addressed in this column last month, we consider here additional matters you and your team should keep in mind during your investigation.
To read the full article, click here.

See part one of this article.


假设您美国的总部在中国设有一间 重要的生产厂,而您怀疑其对中 国官员有行贿行为。您为此组建了一支有 经验的团队去调查该一状况以决定如何处 理。这仅是开了个好头。基于我们在本刊 上期提出的问题,我们将在本期中进一步 阐述您在调查中需要注意的其他事宜。